Oliver Ruck is Director at the 365 Sherpas – Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice Berlin office.
His specialist fields are stakeholder management, political monitoring, campaign support and strategy development for associations, enterprises and institutions in the consumer goods, commerce and mobility sectors.
Before joining the team at 365 Sherpas – Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice in September 2017 Oliver was a student employee working in public affairs and communications at a well-known retail company, which gave him extensive insights into lobbying activities at a major international corporation. He gained additional practical experience at Halle City Council, at the Lower Saxony State Parliament and at the German Bundestag.
During his master’s degree programme at Potsdam University his main subjects were international politics and government in Germany and Europe. Prior to that he gained his bachelor’s degree in political science and ethnology at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. His dissertations consider political participation formats in Germany from a legitimation theory perspective and draw conclusions on the future challenges to democracy. Oliver speaks German and English.